Pawn Loan

Best Collateral is a fast and convenient source for consumer and business loans. Unlike a bank or Savings and Loan, Best Collateral does not provide a pawn loan based on your credit history or employment status. The process is fast and easy; simply bring in merchandise as collateral and obtain a pawn loan. Our professional staff will thoroughly evaluate your collateral and provide you with your options. Your items will then be safely secured, awaiting your return to pick them up.

What kinds of items can I use as collateral for a pawn loan?

We accept many different kinds of items of value, including tools, musical instruments, luxury/designer handbags and apparel, high-end watches, TV’s, stereo equipment DVD/Blu Ray players, laptops, Fender guitars, tablets, game systems & games, bicycles…and MUCH, MUCH MORE!

Get Fast Cash At One Of Our Locations

So bring in your jewelry, Rolex watch, Fender guitar, tools, televisions, electronics, stereo equipment, musical instruments and miscellaneous items of value. Let Best Collateral assist you with your borrowing needs.

Collateral Loan at Best Collateral
A pawn loan from Best Collateral gives you the cash you need with no credit check required.

Reasons a pawn shop is a good alternative

  1. To meet unexpected financial emergencies
  2. You’ll get cash the same day
  3. The process is quick and confidential
  4. We accept many items as collateral
  5. It never affects your credit
  6. No employment verification or credit check
  7. Up to 4 months to pay your loan
  8. The ability to renew your loan if needed


How does a renewal work?

Occasionally, all we need some extra time to get on top of things. At Best Collateral, we understand that not everyone is ready to repay the loan at the end of the loan period. If you are unable to pay back your loan in full on its due date, no problem. You can get a renewal by paying the interest that has accrued on your loan. Next, we’ll write a new loan. The principal loan amount won’t change, nor does the interest rate. However, the due date is reset for the full loan term.